Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to Quickly Find Files On Computer

If my friends had ever mengalamin, then it's good we're both trying to trick Quickly Find Files On This Computer. This trick is actually my brother got from a cousin who happened pake this way, so my direct castrate
Ok immediately wrote.
Applications required: 
Everythings  333Kb, download direct yes
Quick Tricks Finding Files On Computer

1. After the application has finished downloading, install it directly on
2. Once installed, this icon will appear at
startup , see the picture Trik Cepat Mencari File Di 
Komputer, cara mencari file di komputer 

dengan cepat, trik menemukan file, trik mencari file di komputer, 

program untuk mencari file, aplikasi untuk mencari file
   3. Double click the icon
4. Please type in a file that associates the search field provided, (the first time the program starts, the program will record the data from the hard drive, so wait a few seconds)
5. When colleagues typing a filename, this application will be fast as lightning to find the file that we mean
6. Just what, ga it took many minutes for a file search

good luck